Peer-Reviewed Publications

Speiran, S. I. M. (in press). A Field-Based, Non-Invasive Conservation Welfare Assessment for Primates in Costa Rican Sanctuary Attractions. Human-Animal Interactions.

Speiran, S. I. & Hovorka, A. J. (under review). Monkey Business: ‘Sustainable’ Primate Tourism in Costa Rica? Journal of Ecotourism.

Speiran, S. I. M. (2025). The ‘Sanctuary Gap’: Reviewing the Research on Captive Wildlife Sanctuary Tourism. Animals, 15(4), 496.

Speiran S.I.M., Hovorka AJ. Bringing Animals in-to Wildlife Tourism. Sustainability. 2024; 16(16):7155.

Speiran, S. I., Jeyaraj-Powell, T., Kauffman, L., & Rodrigues, M. A. (2023). Rescue, ​Rehabilitation, and Reintroduction. Primates in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Exploring ​Primate Behavioural Flexibility Across Human Contexts, 267-287.

Speiran, S. I. (2021) “Monkey see, monkey do: The work of primates in Costa Rican ​sanctuaries”. Exploring non-human work in tourism, edited by Carol Kline and Jillian M. Rickly, ​Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 181-206.

Lenzi, C.; Speiran, S.; Grasso, C. (2020). “Let Me Take a Selfie”: Reviewing the Implications of ​Social Media for Public Perceptions of Wild Animals. Society & Animals. ​

Grasso, C., Lenzi, C., Speiran, S., Pirrone, F. (2020). Anthropomorphized Nonhuman Animals in ​Mass Media and Their Influence on Human Attitudes Toward Wildlife. Society and Animals. 1-​25

Smith, M., Speiran, S., Graham, P. (2020). Megaliths, Material Engagement, and the ​Atmospherics of Neolithic Ethics: Presage for the End(s) of Tourism. Journal of Sustainable ​Tourism.

Doctoral Dissertation

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